SRP Server (PHP) and Client (PHP, JS)

Javascript Client and PHP Server/Client for Login over Secure Remote Password Protocol

A php and Javascript implementation of the secure-remote-passowrd protocol.
It follows a protocol diagram is based on the functions of this project:



require './php/lib/srp.php';
$srp = new srp();


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vendor/bigint.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vendor/sha256.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/srp.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var srp = new srp();


the php and the javscript srp-Objects provides the same functions in a equal way.

Client functions

generate Private key
generateX(s, username, password)
generate the clint Private key by a radom seed ('s' generate over getRandomSeed-method) and the user credentials ('username' and 'password')
generate Password verifier
generate the Password verifier by the private Key X. (s and V are send and stored by the server)
generate Public ephemeral values
generate the Public ephemeral value A by the private value 'a' ('a' generate over getRandomSeed-method)
generate Session Key
generateS_Client(A, B, a, x)
generate the Session Key for the authentification

Shared functions (for client and server)

generate random seed
getRandomSeed(length = 0)
generate a Randum Number. By default length 128 Bit
generate auth Matcher1
generateM1(A, B, S)
generated by client to send so server for authentification. Server use this method to rebuild and verify receive M1.
generate auth Matcher2
generateM2(A, M1, S)
generated by server to send so client for authentification. Client use this method to rebuild and verify receive M2.
generate the shared secred session-Key
generate the shared secred session-Key by the S value

Server functions

generate Public ephemeral values
generateB(b, v)
generate the Public ephemeral value B by the private value b (b generate over getRandomSeed-method) and the Password verifier.
generate Session key
generateS_Server(A, B, b, v)
generate the Session Key fpr the authentification
